More Water Stories

US Air Force challenges EPA’s emergency order on PFAS cleanup at Tucson Superfund Site

Military contests EPA’s jurisdiction and urgency of PFAS threats at Tucson site.

Dry but alive: Rethinking golf's green lawns

Golf is a commonly blamed culprit of Arizona's water woes. How much water goes to the state's courses?

These three words from 1922 are at the heart of the latest Colorado River clash

It’s all rooted in a document called the Colorado River Compact.

The Buzz: The damming of the lower Colorado River

We preview the new season of Tapped, AZPM's podcast about water in the southwest.

Taming the Colorado

The Colorado River is the most dammed waterway in the US, but what was it like before? We go back to the battle over Parker Canyon Dam and how it changed Arizona's rights to the river's water forever.

Tucson's new conservation program aims to save water by removing ornamental grass

Apartment complexes and commercial buildings are being urged to remove grass landscaping and conserve water — in exchange for a rebate from the city.

The Buzz: Re-using finite resources in Southern Arizona

People go to notable lengths to get as much as they can out of some of the area's limited resources

Arizona congressional delegation introduces $5 billion tribal water rights legislation

The legislation would ratify a settlement agreement that was approved by each of the tribes in May.

Activists submit 17,000 signatures urging closure of uranium mine near Grand Canyon

Groups like the Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity along with Tribal members say the mine risks drinking water.

The Buzz: The coming state budget has its critics

Worries about shorted funding, misallocated funds and existing problems cause concern for some.

Does Arizona have enough water?

Phoenix-area cities are spending big to make sure it does.

The Buzz: Efforts to reduce our use of finite resources

We look at efforts to reduce the use of plastic, water and fossil fuels.

Hobbs under pressure to call special session on groundwater

Arizona lawmakers didn’t pass significant bipartisan policy on groundwater reform this year.

EPA Orders Air Force, AZ National Guard to address PFAS contamination at Tucson Superfund Site

Emergency directive aims to mitigate health threats from toxic chemicals in Tucson’s groundwater, pushing for immediate cleanup action and cost sharing.

The Buzz: Coping with Extreme Heat

As summer temperatures get dangerous, we look at efforts to keep people safe.

The Buzz: Arizona's Economy and Water

We speak with economic experts about Arizona's economy, with attention paid to how water plays a role.

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